DISCLAIMER: Mangum & Associates PC (the “Firm”) is a law firm organized under the laws of the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico that practices U.S. federal securities law pursuant to U.S. federal (SEC) rules and regulations and exports such services either directly or through one or more affiliates or associates. It does not claim to practice law in any particular state or jurisdiction. One or more of the attorneys profiled on this website may be considered independent contractors of the Firm providing limited services to clients of the Firm and have their own respective law practices. Such attorneys may be licensed in one or more various states or jurisdictions. The content of this website is not to be construed as legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is claimed nor may be construed by you, the viewer, with the Firm or the attorneys associated with the Firm without a duly executed written engagement letter between yourself and the Firm and/or without you also being bound by our General Provisions. The designation “SEC Attorney” or “securities attorney” or the like does not imply any claim of special certification or endorsement by any federal or state regulator, nor does it imply such persons previously worked for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) or any state securities commission or regulator. It simply means such person practices in the area of securities law. The “PPM Attorney Capital Forum” or the “Forum” is independently operated by M&A Client Services LLC (the “Publisher”) which is an affiliate of the Firm. Links to the Forum located here are provided as a courtesy and convenience. Membership or participation in the Forum does not constitute an attorney-client relationship with the Firm or attorneys associated with the Firm. (c) 2024 Mangum & Associates PC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.