Foreign Direct Investment (EB5, etc.)


A foreign direct investment (FDI) is made when a company or individual in one country invests in business interests in another by establishing substantial control or influence over the foreign business’ decision making. As in the case of the United States EB5 Immigration Visa program, or similar FDI transactions, structuring an FDI improperly can mean the difference between profit and loss, obtaining an EB5 Visa or not, or compliance or securities law violations. That’s where we come in. We make sure it’s done right.

Mangum & Associates has worked with cross-border clients in a wide variety of industries, including agriculture, digital media, biotech, medicine, mining, manufacturing, retail, and wholesale. Our foreign investment group also has specific experience representing Chinese companies in business initiatives with the U.S., and thoroughly understands both dynamic business cultures. We have advised clients on topics including immigration, strategic alliances, public and private equity, debt financing, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance initiatives, and investment related green cards.

We have also counseled domestic and international clients on complex transactional matters, including initial public offerings (IPO) and private placements, reverse mergers, NYSE and NASDAQ initial listings and listing transfers, going dark and going private transactions, and public company compliance work. With this experience, we are well-versed and prepared to ensure the success of any client’s foreign direct investment process.

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